Monday, November 21, 2011

Replying to a Post

I'm replying to my friend Anthony's post here:

It's a great post and one which reminds me of a professor I had in my junior year for US History 1945-Present. His name was Dom Cavello and he was a long time professor at Adelphi who sadly passed away much too young. In once class we were talking about what America stood for and before he allowed any of us to answer he said, "Please, no one say freedom. That's a meaningless term."

I think we can throw free will in the same boat. There's ALWAYS going to be something that we will have to answer to, be it something as silly as oxygen. No matter what we'll never have the free will to do whatever we want and we need to stop pretending that we can. I also think the idea of free will allows for laziness. If people can do whatever they set their minds to then it allows us to not feel guilty for those our society has left behind.

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